Pray for Joe Biden

After all, the man is the president of our entire country. He is the face and voice that most of the people on the planet see and hear when referring to our country.

Unfortunately, Joe has had some communication challenges being honest throughout life. This could be genetic or it could be part of the hanging around politicians all of his life. All of us tend to present our history from our perspective. Of course, describing the size of the fish or the damage of the car accident is not likely to start a nuclear war for most people. Sadly, our senior citizen democrat leader has exceeded the “fish story” limit many times on issues from his own family life to international relations.

Even though the American people are paying a billion dollars for the white house staff and Joe’s advisors besides all the other federal politicos that talk to him, his flights of fantasy just continue. Doctor Jill was alleged to be able to control and focus him so that he could be sold as a uniter and a viable spokesman for the republic. No doubt the doctor has tried to keep him on script and to play down the fantasies of his past he repeats. Yet they still have to cut of his microphone and ban questions in his public outings. A short list of the claims and “stories” from Joe’s history are at the end of this article.

The real concern is that the American people, trying to be kind to those that are cognitively challenged, will ruin the country for everyone. Remember the Dem’s were able to get Joe 50% of the vote. Even if they cheated to get him over the line, nearly half of all voters were willing to risk their lives and fortunes on this guy that would save us from Trump’s prosperity and mean tweets. Is Joe an outlying prevaricator or has half the American public given up on truth, justice and the American way like the new not so super superman?

Even if the Dem’s are really crazy, or ignorant or even evil, the rest of us need to find a way to avoid the total destruction of the American Ideal especially internationally, while these leftists are in power. In a kinder, gentler way we need to help Joe find the truth or just stifle his penchant for “creative factual embellishment.” Let’s hope some rational person has the nuclear football, because one of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s is fits of rage and we would not like the effect of Joe’s rant be starting World War 3 on a bad day.

Joe Biden statements of questionable veracity:

His first wife was killed by a drunk driver

He never knew anything about Hunter’s business

He never received any of the billions of Chinese money paid to his family

Obamacare would not stop anyone’s healthcare

Joe was a freedom marcher in 1960’s in Selma

Joes worked as a truck driver

Joes worked as coal miner

Joe promised to get every American out of Afghanistan (hundreds still left there)

Joe promised to stop fracking and then promised to leave fracking alone.

Joe promised no new taxes on people making under $400,000

Joe claimed to have traveled 17,000 miles with President Xi of China.

Joe promised that removing a racetrack tax break in Delaware would pay for all community college.